7 Money-Saving Tips when Choosing a Removalist

7 Money-Saving Tips when Choosing a Removalist

Choosing a removalist can be expensive, but there are ways to save money without compromising quality. Here are seven money-saving tips when selecting a removalist:

Get Quotes from Multiple Removalist Companies

Getting quotes from multiple removalist companies is important in finding the right one for your move. Here are some ways to get quotes from multiple removalist companies:

Research Online

Start your search for removalist companies online. Look for companies in your area and read reviews and ratings from past customers. This can help you narrow down your list of potential companies.

Ask for Recommendations

Ask friends, family, or colleagues who have recently moved for recommendations. They may be able to provide valuable insights and offers on reliable and affordable removalist companies.

Get Quotes from Multiple Removalist Companies
Request Quotes Online or Over the Phone

Request Quotes Online or Over the Phone

Once you have a list of potential removalist companies, request quotes online or over the phone. Be sure to provide accurate information about your move, such as the size of your home or office, the distance, and any special requirements.

Compare Quotes Side-by-Side to Save Money

When you receive quotes from multiple removalist companies, compare them side-by-side. Consider the services and items included and the company’s reputation, experience, and expertise. Don’t just look at the cost – consider the overall value for your money.

Clarify Any Questions About Moving House

If you have any questions or concerns about the quotes, please clarify them with the removalist company. Ask for clarification on any fees or charges you don’t understand, and ensure you fully understand what is included in the quote.

Book Early

Booking early can help you secure a better price and get the date and time you want. Booking in advance also allows you to take advantage of early bird discounts or promotions. Here’s how to book early:

Once you have decided on a removalist company, book as soon as possible to secure your preferred date and time. Many removalist companies offer early bird discounts or promotions for customers who book well in advance.

Be Flexible

If possible, be flexible with your moving date and time. This can help you take advantage of any off-peak or mid-week discounts removalist companies offer.

Confirm Your Booking

After booking, confirm your booking with the removalist company a few days before the move. This helps ensure that everything is on track and that there are no last-minute surprises.

Book Early
Saving Money With an Off-Peak Season Move

Saving Money With an Off-Peak Season Move

Moving during off-peak season is a great way to save money on your move. Here are some tips on how to proceed during off-peak season:

Avoid the Summer Months

The summer months, especially June through August, are the busiest and most expensive moving times. If possible, try to avoid moving during these months.

Move During Fall or Winter

Fall and winter are considered off-peak seasons for moving, meaning removalist companies may offer lower rates to attract customers. Consider moving during these seasons to take advantage of lower rates.

Check Local Holidays and Events

Check for local holidays and events that may affect your move. For example, if you’re moving to a college town, moving during the summer months when students are moving in or out may be more expensive and complicated.

Move During Fall or Winter
Declutter Before the Move

Declutter Before the Move

Decling before the move is important in reducing costs and making your move more organized. Here are some tips on how to declutter before the move:

Sort Your Belongings

Start by sorting your belongings into categories such as “keep,” “donate,” “sell,” and “discard.” This helps you stay organized and makes deciding what to do with each item easier.

Be Ruthless

Be ruthless when deciding what to keep and what to discard. Consider removing it if you haven’t used or worn something in over a year. Only keep items that are important or sentimental to you.

Donate or Sell Unwanted Items

Donate or sell unwanted items to reduce the number of items you need to move. This also helps you earn extra cash and gives unwanted items a second life.

Dispose of Hazardous Materials Properly

Dispose of hazardous materials such as chemicals, batteries, and old electronics properly. Ask your local recycling centre or waste management facility for guidance on safely disposing of these items.

Donate or Sell Unwanted Items
Pack Yourself

Pack Yourself

Packing yourself is a great way to save money on your move, but it’s important to pack carefully to avoid damaging your items during transit. Here is some advice on how to fill yourself:

Use High-Quality Packing Materials

Use high-quality packing materials such as boxes, bubble wrap, paper, and tape. This helps protect your items during transit and reduces the risk of damage.

Label Your Boxes

Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This helps make unpacking easier and more organized.

Pack Heavy Items in Small Boxes

Pack heavy items such as books or dishes in small boxes to avoid them from getting too heavy to lift. This also helps reduce the risk of damage during transit.

Pack Fragile Items Carefully

Pack fragile items such as glassware or electronics carefully using bubble wrap or packing paper. Make sure to mark the box as “fragile” to ensure it is handled carefully during transit.

Pack a “First Night” Box

Pack a “first-night” box with bedding, toiletries, and clothes. This ensures you have everything you need for your first night in your new home or office.

Pack Heavy Items in Small Boxes
Reduce the Distance

Reduce the Distance

Reducing the distance of your move is a great way to save money on your activity. Here are some tips on how to reduce the distance of your move:

Find a New Home or Office Nearby

When searching for a new home or office, look for one closer to your current location. This can significantly reduce the distance you need and save money on moving costs.

Consider Moving in Stages

If you’re moving a long distance, consider breaking up your move into smaller stages. This allows you to reduce the overall distance of your move and may be more cost-effective.

Use a Storage Unit

If you’re moving a shorter distance, consider temporarily storing your belongings using a storage unit. This allows you to move your belongings over time and reduces the trips you need to make.

Sell or Donate Unwanted Items

Selling or donating unwanted items before your move can help reduce the number of items you need to move, which reduces the overall distance of your move.

Rent a Smaller Truck

If you’re moving a short distance, consider renting a smaller truck. This is more cost-effective than renting a larger truck and can help reduce petrol costs. You can then spend money on other important things like cleaning supplies or buying boxes.

Use a Storage Unit
Negotiate the Price

Negotiate the Price

Negotiating the price with your removalist company is a great way to save money on your move. Here are some tips on how to negotiate the price:

Do Your Research

Research the rates charged by other professional removalists in your area. This helps you understand the market rate and gives you leverage when negotiating with your removal company and moving truck services provider.

Ask for Discounts or Promotions

Ask your removalist company if they offer any discounts or promotions. For example, a good removalist company may offer early bird or mid-week discounts to help you save money when moving.

Consider Bundling Professional Removalist Services

Consider bundling services from your professional movers such as packing, furniture disassembly and reassembly, removals storage, cleaning and more to save money on your move. Many removalist companies offer package deals for local businesses that can help you save hundreds of dollars on the best deal.

Negotiate the Price

Finally, negotiate the price with your removalist company. Tell the moving companies that you have researched and will go with another removalist company if they cannot offer you a competitive rate or additional perks like free packing boxes and packaging materials.

Consider Bundling Professional Removalist Services


Hiring a removalist company for your move can be expensive, but following these tips can cut back your moving expenses. From decluttering before the move to negotiating the price with your removalist, there are many ways to save money when choosing a removalist. Consider using Hard & Fast Removals Service for your next move – they offer professional services at a competitive rate.

With the right planning and preparation with a trusted professional removalist, you can save money on your move and enjoy a successful relocation!